How To Set SMART Goals For Seven Important Areas Of Your Life

How To Set SMART Goals For Seven Important Areas Of Your Life

In this technological era, we face the challenge of having more information and options than ever before. It necessitates that we have specific goals in every aspect of our lives. However, some people are unable to set a clear and purposeful goal. In this article, we will look at how to set SMART goals.

The acronym S.M.A.R.T. was coined by George Doran in the November 1981 issue of Management Review.
It stands for: pecific, easurable, ttainable, elevant, and ime bound.
Here’s how it works:
S: Specific                         
Specific goals answer your six “W” questions: who, what, where, when, which, and why .
You'll know which tools (and activities) are required to achieve a goal once you've identified each piece.

Who: Who is involved?

What: What do you hope to achieve?

Where: Where are you going to finish the task?

When: When do you want to do it?

Which: Which criteria and limits are likely to obstruct your progress?

Why: Why are you doing this?

Specificity is vital since you'll know you've accomplished your goal when you hit these milestones (date, location, and target).

M: Measurable
Measurable goals are defined by specific times, amounts, or other units—basically, anything that measures progress toward a goal.

Making measurable goals makes it simple to see if you've moved from point A to point B. Measurable goals also help you determine when you're on the right track and when you're not.

In general, a measurable goal statement responds to questions beginning with “how,” such as “how much,” “how many,” and “how fast.”
A: Attainable
Attainable goals push the boundaries of what you believe is possible. While they are not impossible to complete, they are frequently difficult and full of obstacles. The key to setting an attainable goal is to look at your current situation and set a goal that appears slightly out of reach. That way, even if you fail, you will have accomplished something worthwhile.

R: Relevant
Relevant goals are those that are focused on what you really want. They are the polar opposite of haphazard or erratic ambitions. They are in tune with everything that matters in your life, from professional success to happiness with the people you care about.

T: Time-bound
Time-bound objectives have set deadlines. You are expected to complete your task by a certain date. Time-bound objectives are both challenging and grounding. You can set your target date for today, or for a few months, weeks, or years in the future. Setting a deadline you'll meet by working backward and developing habits is the key to creating a time-bound goal (more on this later).

S.M.A.R.T. goals are well-defined and clear. There is no doubt about the outcome you desire. By the deadline, you'll know if you've met or failed to meet a specific goal.

As an example, consider the following S.M.A.R.T. goals for the seven areas of your life that are considered to be common for most people.

1. Career: "Within two months, I will acquire five new projects for my Web design consultancy through referrals, networking, and social media marketing campaigns."

2. Family: "I plan to strengthen my relationship with my family by taking them on vacation at least once every six months." This will be accomplished by devoting an hour each month during my review session to brainstorming potential future trips."
3. Marriage (or love partnership): "On Friday night, I will identify three things I adore about my partner and tell her about them."

This will be accomplished by scheduling a 30-minute block on Tuesday for me to reflect on all the good times we've shared together."

4. Spiritual/personal development/self-improvement: "I will set aside five minutes each day to express gratitude for everything that is good in my life." I'll practice this habit by setting aside time right before lunch to remind myself of what's important."

5. Recreation/social: "I plan to devote three hours per week to learning and practicing watercolor painting." This will be accomplished by eliminating unimportant habits such as watching television."

6. Personal finance: "I will save 10% of every paycheck and invest it in index funds through my 401k."

7. Health and fitness: "By December 31, I will work out for at least 30 minutes per day, three days per week."

These seven examples should help you understand how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals that lead to a balanced life.

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